Welcome to our web site. Deane Property Services offers a full range of property improvement services, so whether you are a property owner or business looking to upgrade and improve your property give us a call. We are in our 11th year of very successful trading and our services continue to be conducted with the same reliability, skill and honesty that has kept customers coming back to us time after time. We do get very busy particularly in the spring and summer when many people want work completed whilst they are on holiday, but even so we would love to hear from new and returning customers and advise that you request quotations/estimates early. It is always worth calling us for the more impromptu work as we really work hard to fit everyone in! Please look below for brief details of the work we do or on our 'about us' page for more detail. If you would like an appointment for a quotation please give us a call or use our contact us page, and we will be back in touch.

Handyman Services

Fitted and upgraded